Monday, October 29, 2007

From the District...

The ACP/CMA conference in D.C. has been great. There are people here from college papers, yearbooks, radio stations, etc. from all over the place. I've been to some interesting sessions -- some are better than others, but I've been able to take at least something away from each of them. One of the best has been a session on profile-writing by an ESPN reporter. I really enjoy writing profiles and wouldn't mind doing that sort of writing at a metro daily or magazine. It finally stopped raining after 48 straight hours of downpour. I was really upset that I left my umbrella in the taxi to hell, but I guess it worked out. It was a cute umbrella though.

Anyways, I'll be returning soon to North Carolina-land. I'm hoping it's as nice and cool there as it is here!

P.S. If you are ever in D.C. and want to eat at a restaurant no where near anything that is sketchy-as-hell, please take a $35 taxi to Generous George. There you'll find a great atmosphere complete with scary clown statues and Pepto-Bismal pink splatter painted walls, as well as an inch of grease on the floors. Mmmmm... delicious.

1 comment:

helendear said...

wow i can't believe you wrote that all the way from The District on your invisible computer, you're so fancy.