Tuesday, November 27, 2007

A blog-worthy day:

When I woke up this morning, I thought it would be a normal Tuesday. Granted, Tuesday is my least favorite day of the week, but that's beside the point.

My alarm went off at 8:05 a.m. as usual. At this point each day, I make the decision whether to get up and exercise (this rarely happens) or to sleep until 8:55 a.m. (this almost always happens.) I always feel more energized and awake when I get up and work out, but no matter. I chose to sleep in today.

I caught the Greek Court bus at around 10:05 a.m. and managed to get to my first class before the professor did. We had a conversation about a campus-wide cigarette ban that turned into a discussion about re-instating prohibition. Interesting.

Public speaking was fine, but criminology was dismal as usual. My instructor has it in for us, basically. She asked if anyone had questions about the final paper, so a girl raised her hand and asked if she would explain it more thoroughly. The instructor tells her to stay after class. Then four other people chime in and say they would like an explanation, as well. The instructor then tells them to stay after class, too. Excuse me, but what was the point of asking for questions?

Ok, here's where the day gets super fun. I walk to my car in the Bragaw lot and drive to Crossroads. I go in to apply for a job, go out to get something for my car, then lock my keys in my car. I've done that a total of four times in three years, and it's the worst thing ever. I can see the keys on the seat, but I can't get to them. TORTURE.

Here were my options:

1. Walk back to campus (I don't like to walk, so that was immediately discarded.)
2. Phone a friend.
3. My mom, dad or sister bring me a spare key.
4. I walk to my house and look for a spare and walk back. (Suggested by Kate, and as said before, I don't like to walk.)

So, I called eight people (sorry, everyone that I called. I probably sounded super desperate.) before Josh promised to come rescue me. Then, he passed the duty on to loyal Saja. So, she came to get me, then we went to my house in Cary to look for a spare key. There were keys to EVERY OTHER CAR we own, but not mine. Blah blah blah.

My parents took me back to get the car later, and luckily, no one had bashed in the window and stolen it. I'm so paranoid, I kept thinking that was going to happen. I even wondered if I had imagined the doors were locked and that they were really open and someone was going to get in and drive away. Poor Janie.

Now, I'm in my office, with Christmas lights on. I'm glad tomorrow is Wednesday and not Tuesday. Let's erase Tuesdays for good.


helendear said...

you and your tuesdays.
i was genuinely upset to find that i was NOT one of the select eight, but figured that it was probably because of my lack-of-car, not lack-of-friend-status.

Alison said...

oooh that sounds awful!
i also am not particularly fond of tuesdays, however, i love thursdays. probably because of their proximity to the weekend.

alison said...

tuesdays are also horrible because it's science and tech day, and no one likes science and tech. :)

tuesdays are also also horrible when your deputy writes a 1400-word story and it takes her until 11 p.m. or so to finish it.

or, you know, so i'm assuming. :(

helendear said...

science and tech is GREAT
i love science
you love science
everyone loves science