Saturday, December 29, 2007

A foggy morning run on a country road.

When I walked outside the cabin this morning, I could barely see ten feet in front of me. Kate, Dad and I went on a run down South Creek Road, which we have deemed the "England road," because of how much it looks like it belongs in the Yorkshire Dales.

It's a gravel road surrounded by fields, and it definitely has a certain mystique. The fog this morning added to that, and the run was an adventure in itself.

First, we saw the cows. They always stop and look at us when we run by. Next are the old barns. Around the curve in the road and up the hill a really pretty horse and will come to stare at us.

At the end of South Creek Road, we took a right onto a paved road that I can't remember the name of. It was there that we picked up our fourth running companion, a little dog that I named Tiger, Kate named Rufus, and Dad named Bobo (It liked "Tiger" the best.) I won't lie, I was afraid of it at first. While running in Golden Valley, there is a 97.55 chance you will get chased or barked at by dogs. I always think they are going to bite my heels, even though they never have. Anyways, Tiger starts running alongside us. After a while we told him (him?) to go home. But, he ended up running the next two miles with us! That's pretty far for such a small dog. I could tell he was getting tired toward the end -- he kept stopping to drink from puddles in the road. When we ran by his house again, his owner came outside and said he was about to go for a walk himself. He seemed surprised the dog had run that far with us, and he said he was about seven months old. He's kind of hard to see in the picture (to the right) but it's because he's so cute and lit-tle!

Hopefully tomorrow's run will be as exciting as today's.

In other news,

This Christmas break is flying/has flown by. Since we've been in Rutherford County, we've watched six movies (over two days). So far, we've watched White Christmas, Elf, The Holiday, Mrs. Miniver, Napoleon Dynamite and Stardust. I'm sure we'll watch at least three more before I go home on Monday.

Speaking of that, I'm really excited about driving home on Monday. It will be the longest drive I've ever done alone. I've made play lists enough for the entire trip. And I'm stopping to see (chipmunk) Helen! Driving is pretty much my favorite.

Lastly, I'm getting a new phone. It's green and it's a flipper and I'm really excited about it!!

See you all soon,
Love, love, love!


theJuliaH said...

LIT-TLE! that dog sounds so adorable :)i agree, break has flown by. it's crazy! i'm excited for our super new years eve plans!

alison said...

i really like your arrangement and different sizes of the pictures. this way not one side of the blog is too visually-heavy or -lacking, and the lazy reader has many points at which he can choose to start reading the blog.