Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Ode to the bison, and to freedom.

I have freedom for three whole weeks! I am planning to maximize that time doing lots of interesting things. In fact, in the 11 hours since I finished my criminology exam, I have been doing just that! I sold my book for $43.50 (yess!) so I went straight to Crossroads to spend it. I bought some more Christmas gifts and craft supplies to make Christmas gifts. I watched Gilmore Girls (hooray!) then, I spent the evening eating bison meat (I swear I was never an adventurous eater before college) and hanging out with Helen and Alison. I followed Helen halfway home and we drove down this windy road with lots of stars and pretty pine trees and I felt like I was somewhere else; somewhere nicer.

I hope all of my days off are this exciting. Here are some things I am planning to do:

-More crafts!! I got SO close to finishing this pretty yellow scarf last year but got sick of knitting. I need to re-learn and finish that.

-Read lots of books -- that I haven't already read. Every time I go to the library, I see books like The Giver and The Chronicles of Narnia and remember how great they were back in elementary and middle school so I check them out again. I swear there is a magnet pulling me to the juvenile/young adult section. Someone needs to go with me and pull me away from there!

-Plan/go on an exciting road trip. This will be to Durham if no where else. Alison and I will go to visit chipmunk Helen when she gets her wisdom teeth out and we will turn it in to an adventure. If my car magically fills itself up with gas I will drive to the beach, but that isn't likely. Maybe I can make Julia go with me to the Haw River again. Forced trips are fun, too!

-Visit with people. So many times during the semester I see people and barely have time to say hello to them. The same goes with people that don't go to State. I want to hang out with you. For more than five minutes.

-Start running/exercising. I need to stop being a lazy ass. Really.

-Clean out my closet. Literally. I need to be realistic. If there are clothes in there that I haven't worn since high school, I'm probably not going ever wear them again. If you are high-school-Maggie-size, you can look through them and see if you want anything.

That's a pretty good list I think. More to come!


Alison said...

I love to read! We need to go to the library together. Also, my mom said she is going to force me to do some crafts, and I hope she does, because I love crafty stuff.

helendear said...

look. going to durham IS an exciting adventure. you should be LUCKY that you were ASKED to come visit chipmunkhelen. jeez.

also, check out alison using proper grammar and capitalizing all her beginning words. i must be the 'bad' roommate.

theJuliaH said...

you dont have to force me into going to the haw! i want to go! we should see if lee and charlie want to too, haha, not that that would be awkward or anything, lol....

Anonymous said...

i better get dibs on clothes in your closet.