Monday, December 10, 2007

The various places I would rather be & things I would rather be doing

Even with two exams tomorrow, it's hard to focus. Maybe I have a death wish, but studying just isn't all it's cracked up to be. I really will study though... soon.

There are tons of places I'd rather be right now, so let's take some mental vacations:

1. At some point in my life, I'd like to see the Northern Lights (Aurora Borealis) in Alaska. Ever since we studied them in Astronomy last year, I've been dying to go. Plus, I've always had a fascination with Alaska. If I have a daughter, I'm planning to name her Alaska Jane. (No, I'm not joking).

2. I will go to Peru at some point. If I am on my deathbed a haven't gone, somebody please pick me up and carry me to thend I airport. I'm planning to join the Peace Corps when I graduate, and I would love to spend that time there. Machu Picchu looks AMAZING!

3. Freeport, Maine is my future home. Since high school I've planned on moving there. I'm not really sure why, maybe it's the L.L. Bean store. I want a house on the coast and I want it to be cold in the winter. With snow. None of these 78 degree days in December. I don't want to break a sweat two weeks before Christmas.

Things I'd rather be doing:

Playing Quidditch
For those of you who haven't read it yet, check out the link above. I'm so excited about this. I'm seriously considering trying to get a team started here. Who's interested?

Cleaning toilets at Trailwest
I never thought I would say that. The summer I spent doing that, though, was the best ever. I miss it so much, and the people there. I was so lucky to have lived in Colorado that summer!

Shopping at H and M
I just know that someday, God will bless Raleigh with and H and M store. I'm waiting. Impatiently.

Ok, I think I've procrastinated enough.


helendear said...

okay please don't name your daughter alaska jane.
you may as well call her oklahoma sue. or something.

MagAttacksYou said...

don't hate, helen. alaska will love her name. not everyone is against being unique, you conformist!

alison said...

maggie. quidditch. yesyesyes. team time!!