Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Freshman year vs. sophomore year: a reflection:

There has been a specific request for a post on this topic, so I will oblige.

After completing nearly two months of Sophomore year, I realize that this is a whole different ball game than my freshman year of innocence.

First, what happened to all of that free time? Oh, I know, it was probably getting a job. I remember sitting around, making trips to the gym and the dining hall just for fun, watching season after season of the O.C. Now when I have free time, I feel guilty/weird and I just don't know what to do. I end up doing things like writing in this blog.

Second, meal times are completely different. I'm not exactly sure what I eat these days. Somehow, I eat three meals a day, I just don't know where they come from. Freshman year, however, each meal was a huge social outing. Step one: check the dining web site to find out what's being served and where. Step two: round up at least 25 of your closest friends (otherwise known as your posse). Step three: walk in a ridiculous pack to the dining location of choice -- usually Fountain. Make sure to wear your red lanyard from orientation for quick identification in case you get separated. Step four: eat things like 3 bowls of Lucky Charms or a huge plate of curly fries. Step five: stop by the C-Store on the way back to the room. You'll probably get hungry again soon.

And, another thing I left behind with my promotion to sophomore status was my notion that every single person in my classes were older than me. Somehow, I even thought my classmates in English 101 were like, seniors. This was/is not the case. I see these people and they are not juniors or seniors but MY AGE. I guess I just thought everyone was wiser than I was, because they were probably less clumsy/didn't fidget as much in class. People like Alison Harman -- really mature and smart. I guess those weren't age differences.

Lastly, a big difference in my sophomore life is Matt Walton. I see him. All the time.


Alison said...

you are so right. i used to not be able to eat unless i was surrounded by eighty of my closest friends, but now, in sophomore year, i've found that i eat most of my meals alone.

how depressing.

fortunata said...

fountain was the daily.
clarke was an adveture.

breakfast cereals were only allowed to be used for dinner if they were mixed with multiple others. and followed up by icecream.

i can't believe that i had to make a blog account just to be able to post.

Tabitha said...

i thoroughly enjoyed the freshman year experience commentary. A+.

Unknown said...

lolzz, sooo mature!!

hey! "nosila" is alison spelled backwards. sometimes i refer to myself, in my head, as nosila because when i was a small child we wrote our names backwards and i always thought it was horrid. but now i don't? otherwise i'd just be masochistic.

i just disproved maggie on both counts. :0 <3<3<3

also, it is disappointing that they no longer serve crunch berries in clark. but it's ok i guess, since it seems they've replaced them with mini wheats -- which is surprisingly hard to get out of that container thing.

also this is very long. also, sweet resume.

j blue said...

this is so true! we really ate like that EVERY day! (ASS dinner) this is the best blog ever! it totally speaks to my heart.
ps - i need g-dubs number, you guys look like bff's and i am soooooo jealous...