Friday, November 2, 2007

I survived the week!!

I wasn't sure that I would, so I thought the fact that I did warranted a blog post. I don't know what made this week so crappy, but I think it was the fact that I didn't get back from D.C. until midnight on Sunday, so I didn't have time to prepare for it. I just felt sort of behind for the rest of the week. I've been running off of a few hours of sleep per night, I had a big criminology test, I wrote a few stories, etc. Nothing too extremely stressful, it was just a combination of everything I guess. I was in a decidedly grumpy mood, and I'm sorry to everyone who felt the wrath of Maggie grumpypants. But, it's over. And now I am sitting in my clean (thanks, T.D.E.) warm, peaceful room. It's really great. Ever since I can remember, I've always enjoyed time by myself to just sit quietly. It helps me keep going. This weekend isn't going to be too busy, which will give me some time to catch up on assignments and do some planning for the rest of the month. I am happy to report to those of you who have forgotten that after this week, we will have a two day week, then we will stuff our faces with turkey and mashed potatoes. Mmm.. the joy of Thanksgiving.
Speaking of food, I've been noticing that all of my meals consist of sugars and starches. It's getting pretty bad. I just don't have time to eat nutritious meals, or the money! It's so much cheaper to be a dollar menuaire at McDonald's than to buy fruits and vegetables and cook something! I'm rapidly depleting my immune system with the lack of vitamins, but I blame my job. And my empty bank account. sigh.

On a final note, I found out this week that my proposal for the Self-Design major was approved! I am now an International Journalism major -- my third in a year and half. I plan to keep this one -- I put too much work into the proposal to switch again.


helendear said...

yeaaaah dollar menuaire!
im lovin' it.
do you love it?
do you love it?

Alison said...

i like having time to sit and be by myself too!
also you should eat your fruits and vegetables or else you'll be sick and tired all the time and it will be hard to do all the work you have to do. just sayin.

helendear said...

you need to write another entry. im bored. and yes i posted twice on this. no im not ashamed.

Anonymous said...

Good words.