Wednesday, November 14, 2007

It's a wonder they don't scramble their brains...

My Christmas list: (feel free to select more than one item)

1. I've decided it is imperative that I get a golf cart or gator. No more of this walking to and from the library in the dark or hiking miles and miles back from class. I know all the tricks and paths from driving the gator last summer, so it really wouldn't be a big deal.

2. Designer jeans. I want them. Lots of them. Give them to me.

3. A camera. A really nice one. Something like 40 D. Or one of those cool cameras the photographers talk about. I want lenses, too. And an attractive National Geographic photographer to teach me how to use it. And I want to keep him.

4. A Blackberry. Or two. Silver, or red, or both. Or black. Surprise me!

5. A black Burberry coat. Delivered to me by Prince Harry.

6. Some really amazing boots. You all remember that episode of Friends. I want some like that, only more comfortable.

7. A Mac book would be nice. Plus a desktop for home use.

8. Lastly, I would like a personal trainer, chef, and stylist.

You still have a month and 11 days! Let's make it happen, people! Thanks in advance, and happy shopping!


Alison said...

a golf cart. what a fantastic idea. i think i'm just going to print this list out and give it to my loved ones because i want everything on it too.

alison said...

this is the most amazing christmas list i've ever seen in my entire life.

i'll get you the burberry coat and the prince harry but i can't promise they will get to you.

but you might be able to see them.

on me.

it seems i've been influenced by the risque american apparel models.

helendear said...

all i want for christmas is that porcupine that prince harry is holding. and i don't really like prince harry that much? but william. i'll take him.