Monday, November 19, 2007

Oh, the places you (won't) go...

On this dreary day, I'm sitting in my room, chatting with Jennifer Blue and procrastinating. Somehow, we started talking about cat ladies, which brought us to the topic of a great book/cinematic classic: Harriet the Spy. I had completely forgotten how awesome Harriet was and how much I wanted to be like her! I remember riding around in the Tucker's light blue Astrovan that summer with our black and white marble composition notebooks pretending to be like her. I think I asked for a magnifying glass for Christmas that year. I'm going to hunt for that when I go home for Thanksgiving. And I'm probably going to buy another composition book. Oh, nostalgia.

This trip down memory lane has gotten me thinking about all the other exciting careers I hoped to have growing up. Funny how your parents and teachers always tell you you can "be anything you want to be!" Liars. Let's start with the first one: a watermelon seed planter. I realize this is not normal. Notice the terminology -- not a grower, not a farmer, but a PLANTER. Not sure where I came up with that, but I distinctly remember receiving a watermelon T-shirt for Christmas that came with a pack of seeds. I tried planting them in the backyard and to my disgust, they didn't grow. Can you believe it? There really CAN'T be any better place to grow them other than a cold backyard in a shady spot, can there?

I guess the spy/detective phase came next, heavily influenced by aforesaid spy, as well as my homegirl Nancy Drew. I think I read every single one of those books multiple times. She always managed to get out of tight spots at the last second, and man, did I want to be her. My attempt to find a secret passageway in the old house where my grandfather worked for a while was only rewarded with mouse poop, but maybe I shouldn't have given up the dream!

After I decided a career of chasing mysteries wasn't realistic, I decided on a more practical field: architecture. It didn't matter that I was (and still am) God-awful at anything that has to do with math. I was going to design some spectacular buildings. Then, with the Trading Spaces craze, I decided it would be more fun to just decorate the inside of buildings. And wah-la, I am a future interior designer, and I'm going to tell everyone and their mother.

Don't worry, we are nearing the end of my long line of career goals. In high school, I decided I was going to be a lawyer. This may have been influenced (but I hope it wasn't) by seeing Legally Blonde? I blame Luke Wilson. Then I took it to the next level: I wasn't going to be a lawyer, I was going to be a JUDGE. And, not just anywhere. I was going to be joining the mothereffing Supreme Court. So there. (Notice the young woman in the front row ^^^)

After all of this, I settled on doing something I actually have the skills to do: write. Journalism is the bomb dot com.. but then again.. so are the Supreme Court, watermelons, and Harriet the Spy. Maybe I'll never be satisfied with my career choice.


Alison said...

you always have such great ideas for blog posts. god. i love your career choices. mine were ballerina, author, artist/designer, graphic designer. with a backup career as a yoga instructor in bora-bora. gooood times.

alison said...

i wanted to be an architect, too! an environmental one. i had this plan to save all the houses and buildings, and do something with public housing. then i forgot to finish my application to the architecture school -- i read it wrong and thought they'd call me when really i was supposed to send in my portfolio, which was really quite nonexistant.

and it's probably for the better, because i too am horrid at math. but geometry's pretty fun.

whatevs. journalist is the best choice anyway.

theJuliaH said...

all i can say in response to your post is: Oh maggen. How i love you. hahah

but anyway, after taking like 15 minutes to figure out how to sign back in, i will respond...

career choices? i think i changed my mind every day. i still do, well, actually at the moment i dont, because i am completely at a loss of what my career is going to be. sure i know what i'm majoring in but that doesn't mean anything. it's effing comm, haha, one of the most general things every, especially interpersonal (or as our bff garrett dimond says the MRS. degree. douche bag). people always ask me if i'm going to be an interpreter b/c i'm minoring in german and speak swedish...and no, that sounds boring. haha

but thinking to careers i wanted to be...let's see. i wanted to be a lawyer for a while, then a doctor until i remembered i hate blood, and shots and anything hospital related...hah. what else? oh a fashion designer, that was a pretty long phase in middle school and that fizzled out after i moved to nc, since then i really think i've just been confused and at a complete loss of what to be...

i guess i just need to give it time (like everything else going on in my life! a;kdjghadkfjhgakdhf)

and i love how this comment has turned into a blog itself.

so, where's my award maggie? :)

helendear said...

okay, i'll share my aspirations, since everyone else is:
in kindergarten, i wanted to be an artist and a doctor on the side.
in elementary school, i wanted to be a veterinarian. good thing im good at science. oh, wait. crap...
in middle school, i wanted to be a forensic scientist/crime scene investigator (HOLLLLLA CSI SUMMERTIMEZ). again with the science.
in high school, i wanted to be:
a) a spy. seriously.
b) an international diplomat? i think i just wanted to travel
c) a journalist, until i realized i hate when others read my writing
d) a graphic designer
now i want to be a graphic designer OR a professional dog-walker, if graphic design doesn't work out.

and OH GOODNESS harriet the spy was so inspiring. and we need to get some composition books asap to start recording gossip, secret activity and such.