Thursday, December 6, 2007

Fall semester 2007: The highlights

Thinking back to August, I don't really remember much about it. This semester has been a blur of colors, sounds, and 70 point test scores in every class.

Let's go back in time and look at some of the highlights of the semester (or, at least the ones I can remember.)

Remember that time... When I decided to Study Abroad? And I filled out all the applications? And I changed my mind eight times about where I wanted to go? I'm not exaggerating -- I literally changed my mind that many times. Here's the list in chronological order: Ireland, Whales, Northern England, Ghana (what?), Spain, Mexico, London, and finally, Costa Rica. I feel like I'm missing one. Anyways, I one day decided not to do it at all. I sure am glad I stayed here, because what could be more exciting?

Remember that time... I went to Wilmington with the Howies for the cross country meet? I didn't wake up until Julia called me to tell me her parents were five minutes from campus. I almost ran out the door without pants on. It was a fun trip, as always, though!

Remember that time... My family drove up the Blue Ridge Parkway to see the mountains and the leaves changing, but it was so foggy we couldn't see two feet in front of us? Great vacation, guys!

Remember that time... Tabitha, Helen and I went to see my friend's show and a little 15 year old mosher full of anger ran smack into Helen and almost knocked her over? I'll never forget leaving the Berkley Cafe with Helen shouting "He should have respected his elders!! I'm OLDER than him! He didn't even apologize!!"

Remember that time... Alison and I put marshmallows in the microwave, put chocolate syrup on them, and gave them out pretending they were "Japanese delicacies?" We almost fooled them. Almost.

Remember that time... I decided I wanted to run a 5k road race and didn't train for it? But I ran it and pretended I had?

Remember that time... That same day when I spilled 1.5 boxes worth of Strawberry Burst Cheerios on my keyboard and all over my room? Then, the Cheerio parts stayed in my keyboard and I couldn't use my space bar? Then, I decided it would be a good idea to use my hairdryer and blow them out of there and I melted my keys together? So this sketchy Dell guy meets me in the Bragaw parking lot to fix them and asks if it stopped working on it's own and I say "No..." and stare off into space?

Remember that time... I was the only one left in Bragaw the night Thanksgiving break started and I wanted some ice cream so I went to the C Store? And since those lazy bitchez won't ever help me bag things I always try to with my free hand and struggle for five minutes while an impatient person waits behind me? And this time I accidentally grabbed all the bags (there were at least ten) and I got embarrassed, wrapped the icecream inside the bags, and left with all of them?

Remember that time... That I had a Spanish exam on Friday and a paper due tomorrow and I spent my evening writing this blog instead? Oh yeah, I remember that.


Anonymous said...

remember the time stayed in the chancellor's box on your birthday long enough to eat 2 things of icecream and peaced out?

helendear said...

remember the time when...
you cut my bangs and you poked me in the eye?
you cut my bangs and i held your hand?
those were good times.

mtdukes said...
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alison said...

wow, tyler's weird...

hey remember that time when you od'd? hey remember that time when you od'd, for the second time?

jk. hey remember that time we made japanese delicacies for lee & heath. you need to remember good times, too.

theJuliaH said...

you forgot about sweden as a study abroad choice. duh!

oh and remember the time you sang MAMAMAs with jenn and julia around the lake and creepy old guys kept passing us? yeah, that time was pretty damn ballin.

Hannah said...

remember the time when...
you added three pairs of sunglasses to your collection in chinatown? and were an adventurous eater in nyc?

Anonymous said...

remember the time when... I made it into a blog entry!

AND you got free headphones from the Apple store.