Saturday, January 26, 2008

1200 calories in 10 minutes

Yes, I did the Krispy Kreme Challenge this morning!

I'm glad to be able to say I did it, but to be honest, it was pretty painful! But, just like a hurricane or flood, it brought people together, so there was plenty of encouragement to go around. My dad ran with me, and we each ate six donuts. Repeat: SIX DONUTS. I mean, I know there are people that ate the whole dozen, but I have no idea how they did that! Six were plenty for me. I don't want to go anywhere near Krispy Kreme for a while.

So, now I've done the Polar Plunge and the Krispy Kreme Challenge. I'm sure there are plenty of other traditional activities I can participate in before I graduate, but I'm not sure either of them will be as painful as either of those -- or as memorable.

Also, I would like to note that doing laundry in Bragaw is like, a three hour process. It usually takes me two, but today, it's moving slowly. Ever since I saw that episode of Gilmore Girls where Rory thinks she meets her soul mate in the laundry room at Yale, I've been on the lookout. Seriously, when I go to the laundry room, I keep my eyes peeled. Because really, what could be more romantic than aluminum appliances, lint, and the smell of fabric softener?!

1 comment:

Alison said...

i can see your blog!!!

and once i met a boy in the laundry room who asked me out and then he called me an hour before our date and canceled. but that was in carroll, which we all know is kind of a shady place to begin with. maybe things are better in bragaw?