Friday, February 15, 2008


This week almost took me out, but I made it through it. But that was only because I drank tons of coffee. This was by far the worst week of my life. I'm not even exaggerating. That being said, you may want to quit reading this.

Here are some wonderful things that happened:
1. I spilled a glass of chocolate milk into my purse while eating in Fountain.
2. My pants split in both legs.
3. I spilled coffee all over the counter in the C Store.
4. A bird may or may not have pooped in my hair.
5. I put my laptop charger in the washing machine.
6. Worker's union fanatics tried to make me sign petitions, and I had to listen to their crazy talk for two hours straight.
7. I forgot to go to my officer training for DDD.
7. I got about 4-5 hours of sleep per night.
8. I did poorly on two exams and probably my paper.

Okay, now: everyone take a second and feel sorry for me. Ready, GO!

Now, here are some things that happened that I was actually happy about:

1. I wrote four stories I was proud of and got some good feedback on.
2. I learned a lot about reporting breaking news for the web.
3. I got delicious Valentine's Day cupcakes.


alison said...

you did not tell me about this one,

"1. I spilled a glass of chocolate milk into my purse while eating in Fountain."

or this one, "5. I put my laptop charger in the washing machine."

it's still making me laugh.
but don't worry, next week you'll get your luck back and i'll be stuck with weeks like these for the rest of my life. hahah.

helendear said...

ahhahahaa yeah i did not know about the laptop charger or the pants-splitting incidents, but i just laughed A LOT. so yeah keep having crappy weeks so i can keep laughing!
or not.

Tabitha said...

you put your laptop charger in the washing machine! hahaha mags.

but at least you discovered your intense love of coffee and that kind of love will last a lifetime.

Tabitha said...

you need to update. i need something to do. because obviously i am not doing my homework.