Sunday, March 16, 2008

The best dream ever. No really, you've never had a more exciting dream.

So this morning I woke up at 8:15 because I was supposed to go to Vintage with Jennifer, but she didn't feel well, so I went back to sleep at 9:15 with America's Next Top Model on. Consequently, I began to dream that I was on the show and I was in the top 12 finalists. Yes, Tyra was there, and yes, it was awesome. We were in this big room where we were going to practice our walks and maybe some dancing, and I was supposed to do my walk across the room but my legs were shaking so bad from nervousness that it didn't go so well. Anyway, both Julia and my dad came to support me, and I remember going up to them and saying how I felt bad because I really didn't care about modeling and that I just wanted to be on the show. I also remember saying I thought I would be the next to be voted off, but that was OK because I would still get to be on the opening credits of the show.

Here's where my dream becomes even BETTER. So for some reason, us top models were staying in this random hotel. All I know is that it had green carpets. Anyway, after a long day of modeling, I was heading back to my room. I reached the door I thought was mine and tried my key (which was remarkably similar to my Bragaw suite key..) and it worked. However, when I walked in, the room was not mine and also was covered in blood spatters. I then entered my other favorite show, CSI. My first instinct was to run out, but I knew my fingerprints were on the doorknob and I didn't want to be a suspect. So I went ahead and called the police.

Then I woke up before Grisham and Catherine could show up to investigate.

Thank you, Jennifer Blue, for allowing me to have that amazing dream.


helendear said...

AHAHAHAHAHA soooo creepy.
soooo great.
oh, grisham <3

juliatravels said...

HAHAHAHA that is awesome! i'm so glad i am able to be there to support you in your dreams:)

Alison said...

i think you need to fall asleep watching top model more.