Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Farewell, mainland.

I leave tomorrow for London (Insert exclamations of excitement here!)
I'm mostly packed and will finish today between jobs. 

I'll probably be blogging from the UK, so if you're bored/interested/both, look for a post!

It will be nice to have a break from work, but it's not that I haven't enjoyed my jobs so far this summer.

I got a new computer here in Housing, and I took the liberty of installing Digsby, Safari and Open Pandora. Hope that was ok! I'm getting more phone calls than ever, mostly about fall assignments. I've mastered my greeting/farewell ("Kyou'rewelcomebye!") They are slightly robotic.

I've done three training sessions at Royal Bean with my fourth to happen tonight. I love it there! The people are nice and I learned how to make the fancy drinks a lot quicker than I thought I would. It's a wonderful place. Stop by to visit Saturdays or Sundays between 1 and 6 or on Monday nights!

I hope everyone has a fabulous 10 days. 

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